While some women are able to conceive naturally, others struggle to conceive. With advancements in technology and science, there are new medical treatments that enable women to conceive their biological child which is otherwise impossible. Every woman desires a child, and it is depressing for her if she is unable to bear one. IVF, or In Vitro Fertilization and ICSI are among the most popular assisted reproductive techniques that help a woman become pregnant by assisting with fertilization, embryo development, and implantation.

IVF is a prominent Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) treatment that involves fertilization of the egg with sperm and implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus using a mix of medication and other procedures.

Another common kind of ART is ICSI, or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, in which an embryologist uses a microscope and other top-notch medical equipment to pick a healthy sperm and then injects it directly into the egg. After injecting the sperm into the egg, the embryologist checks after two to three days if the eggs have fertilized and developed into embryos.

IVF and ICSI are two of the most used ART methods. The technique by which the sperm fertilizes the egg is the only distinction between the two. The egg and sperm are left on a petri dish and fertilized on their own in the first approach (IVF), whereas the sperm is directly injected in the second method (ICSI).

ICSI is usually recommended in cases of low sperm count. Because the sperm receives additional assistance, ICSI is a common and effective means of treating the reason for male infertility. IVF, on the other hand, is appropriate for a wide range of infertility-affected couples. When women have blocked a fallopian tube or adhesions etc.IVF can be beneficial.

Whatever be the reason for your infertility there is a solution for all. You only need to take the right step. If you want to know ICSI or IVF which one is better you should Visit the best IVF center in Kasba Kolkata.

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